Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Finding My Way
Read this post at Holy Experience
Saturday, September 22, 2007
beautiful day
We spent a beautiful day (weather was fall perfect!) at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. If you have not been, GO! It is one of our favorite places. We've been going regularly since before the boys could walk and now they are expert navigators. Everything we did yesterday was directed by them and what an adventure it was. Such wonder and imagination...we had a really great day.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The Best Laid Plans
I'm not a big fan of Halloween. Kelly, my perpetually young at heart husband, loves it. So we began dressing the boys in costume when they were 9 months old. At first, it was just for pictures to share with friends and family and then came the inevitable trick or treating last year. I have to admit that despite my horror at the absolute crap that is distributed (and allowed to be consumed) on this day, I've had fun choosing themed costumes for the boys (and even Mom and Dad last year). As we approach October, I'd begun thinking of my next clever family theme when B announced that he wanted to be a Great Horned Owl for "costa-tune" (this is what he calls Halloween). I expressed my interest in his very specific choice and we talked about the birds of prey we'd seen at the Chattahoochee Nature Center recently but I felt certain that this choice would be forgotten once the trip to see the owls was not so fresh on his mind. Ah, but he is a smart one and has become determined that this is what he will be. In light of his revelation, C has decided that he too would like to be a bird "with wings and a beak and I want to take off my hands because I just want wings"...what? C, it seems, believes that if he is costumed like a bird, with wings and all, that he can really fly, because "that's what birds do". I fear he may give it a try if we put him in wings. H has decided to be a lion (wearing a costume he wore 2 years ago when we had a Wizard of Oz theme). Maybe I can be the zookeeper - oh wait, I already am!!!
First Halloween 2004
The Coach and his Team
(these are the infamous jerseys - chosen by the boys)
- drive the car (not H though, he is just "going to sit in the seat next to someone" - a driver perhaps??)
- come back downstairs after everyone else goes to bed
- go to work in a big office
- go to Colorado (B is infatuated with the idea of the big, snow covered mountains...we've been talking about states a lot this week while assembling a giant puzzle of the US)
I'm sure there was more but a few hours later, it's becoming a blur. This post originally started as a look at the boys' growing independence and their exercising autonomy but I realize it's diverted and is not very cohesive. I feel like much of the last 4 years is a blur. We are moving at warp speed and there's little time to slow down and catch my breath or reflect. I am a terrible journaler (read: I do not do it) though I have tried to get started many times. I'd hoped this blog would serve as a journal but I find that most days, by the time I can actually think about what has transpired and mull it over a bit, I'm completely exhausted. I am also a little bit (okay, a lot) uneasy about sharing my innermost thoughts with the entire World Wide Web. I am drawn to mothering blogs by women who are brutally honest, sharing their vulnerability, their hopes, their selves. I am not sure I am that brave or that honest. For the sake of my boys, I will try. I will try to transcribe our lives so that this beautiful history is not lost. It may not make much sense to anyone else as I record our present and our past in a hodge podge of random posts, but it will be something. And I am grateful for that. I am grateful for this crazy life...
When one is grateful for every little thing, one realizes that
nothing is a little thing. Who does not thank for little will not thank for much.~Estonian Proverb
(I took this quote from a post about Gratitude on another blog. I love the profound simplicity).
Okay, I have been trying to format this for too long. Apologies if it is not laid out as it should be on the screen...I am a technological illiterate!!Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Silly Boys
Okay, those are underwear on
our chandelier in the 2 story foyer...
Yes, you are cute
Monday, September 10, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Wonder and Joy
If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in.
-Rachel Carson
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Shifting Attitude
How to receive the opulent gift of today....
"I GET to?!" Me? Really?
Yes, I too shake my head trying to make sense of why I am allowed to...I GET to grind the wheat, make the bread, and spread the day’s nourishment out on that farm table to fuel little tummies, to keeps arms and feet dancing, eyes sparkling…. I GET to offer sun-dried clothing to cover lengthening torsos, stretching limbs…… I
GET to be asked what is the substance of fire, how putting gas in the van
actually makes the van keep moving, and how does a country keep printing
money….. I GET to place soft bum cheeks in spotless white diapers….. I GET to
read slices of Swiss Family Robinson, Winnie the Pooh, Much Ado about Nothing,
Rudyard Kipling, Richard Scarry, and the Trial of Socrates….and that’s just this
afternoon.I GET to do this!!! How did I end up here? By His grace. All of
grace.It comes in the mail, those flashy invitations to limitless
possibilities with just a plastic square of silver, platinum or gold. And the
words: You have just been approved.Well, those “You have just been approved”
exclamatory greetings pale into sickly invisibility when compared to what God
has approved---allowed---every day this heart surges: to LIVE!Today I will try whispering it in wonder ---and begin to feel the rustle of kid-like glee and giddiness:
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Lord, forgive me for every "I have to..." I have ever grumbled and dragged my feet and heart through....Let be dance with delight that I GET to live the life You approved, allowed, bestowed! All's Your grace. So please, Lord, grant the grace to praise, too.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Sweet Dreams
Godspeed, little man