Thursday, October 25, 2007

Choosing Gratitude

It is with a very heavy heart that I write of a dear friend who was lost to this world on Monday night. He leaves a wife and two small children, a brother, parents, friends. Young and seemingly healthy, this is a shockingly heartbreaking wake up to those of us still living. How much do I take for granted every day? I am ashamed to admit that I am often too busy with tasks to notice that the life around me, the lives around me, are such a joy and a blessing every moment. EVERY MOMENT! We are not promised tomorrow yet I cannot seem to consistently live in today. To appreciate and take in the blessing of this moment. Whatever it may be...sick kids, aging pets, chaos all around. How lucky am I to have these things. How to choose this "attitude of gratitude", to purpose to live in this moment, every moment, to be mindful of my words and actions, my thoughts, my attitude...I am trying to find my way. And remembering to be thankful for the journey.

Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world. John Milton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Danielle, What a crazy world this is. JB's family had a tragic, unexpected loss too on Monday night. I often have to keep reminding myself that we are just going too fast. That I need to slow down and enjoy this "wonderful,-- often complicated,frustrating,phsically and emotionally tiring,-- chaos" that has been given to me. I am very lucky even though I do not always see it that way. Miss ya lots. Hang in there! Sheila